Monday, October 29, 2007

Snuggling with Daddy / Sleeping in the big bed

One of my favorite things to do is to snuggle with my daddy on the couch. Here are a few pics below. On the topic of snugglinng, Mom and dad have finally let me sleep in the big bed, however it was a rough road getting there. A few weeks ago they moved my puppy kennel up to their room completely out of the blue. I was so excited, I was sure I would get to sleep in the big bed. After I sniffed out the room and chewed on everything I could reach, we settled down and snuggled in the bed. When it was time for lights out, back in the kennel I went. It really wasn't fair. They made me think I was going to get to sleep in the big bed and then nooooooo. Well just despite them, I threw a royal fit! I barked all night long. If I didn't get to sleep in the big bed, then no one did! Ha. This went on for several weeks, gradually, each night I barked less and less as i accepted my new arrangement. Then one night, they didn't put me in my kennel. Then the next night, no kennel. So far it has been several weeks and i'm still sleeping in the big bed!!!! I love it, I get to snuggle with mom and dad all night! I'm the most snuggly in the morning when mom makes me get up at 6am to go potty. I put on my best cute innocent puppy face in an effort to convince her to let me sleep, but it rarely works. At least I get to sleep in the big bed!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Plato was sleeping in the big bed! I tried the Preston the Puggle link but it didn't work.

Love the updates!
